03 Dec 2015 — 20 Mar 2016 - Now Closed

Welcome to the Big Bang Data website

Data & Cities

Throughout the exhibition, we'll be here, welcoming you to the world of data through films, blog posts, debates on social media and access to the artists.

Join in the conversation #bigbangdata

Source: Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/nov/14/democracy-film-european-data-protection-privacy-debate

Source: Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/nov/14/democracy-film-european-data-protection-privacy-debate

Data + You

How do we produce data during our day to day lives? What happens to the data we produce? How does data affect our lives?

selfie city_selected collages_0001_02

selfiecity collage © selfiecity.net

Data + Our Cities

How are cities using open data to improve efficiency and quality of life? How do cities become smart through data?

Data streams © Tekja

London Data Streams © Tekja

Data + Democracy

How can access to open data impact our right to free speech? How do governments use data to gain insights into the opinions of a country?


Democracy – film. Source: Guardian / Photograph: David Bernet/Indi Film

Data + Privacy

Are we being watched? What rights do we have in the control of our own data? 

Floodwatch: A Collective Ad Monitoring Tool for Social Good from Ben Rubin – OCR on Vimeo.

Data + Design

How does access to data inform design practice and products? What techniques are artists using to visualise data sets? 

We Need Us Cell Slider c Julie Freeman

We Need Us, Cell Slider © Julie Freeman

Big Bang Data ran from 03 Dec 2015 — 20 Mar 2016