Throughout the exhibition, we'll be here, welcoming you to the world of data through films, blog posts, debates on social media and access to the artists.
Join in the conversation #bigbangdata

Source: Guardian
Data + You
How do we produce data during our day to day lives? What happens to the data we produce? How does data affect our lives?
Data + Our Cities
How are cities using open data to improve efficiency and quality of life? How do cities become smart through data?
Data + Democracy
How can access to open data impact our right to free speech? How do governments use data to gain insights into the opinions of a country?
Data + Privacy
Are we being watched? What rights do we have in the control of our own data?
Floodwatch: A Collective Ad Monitoring Tool for Social Good from Ben Rubin – OCR on Vimeo.
Data + Design
How does access to data inform design practice and products? What techniques are artists using to visualise data sets?