How do your selfies contribute to society now? Data collated by Big Bang Data artists Lev Manovich and Moritz Stefaner for the exhibit SelfieCity, states that London’s selfie style has the smallest average of happy emotion and the highest percentage of straight poses in comparison to five global cities. Join us for a number of selfie fuelled sessions and get our stats back on track #BigBangData
Artist Workshop: Led by Thomas & Lawrence Slater
Join the illustrative duo for slap dash selfie making! Tour world famous selfie sites in seconds, and walk away with some top-notch shots.
Make Up for Selfies: Led by NARS
Test out tips on eyes, cheeks and lips, with NARS product and make-up artist, Jane Richardson.
Join the Conversation: Love Yourself Love Your Selfie
Introduction to exhibit Selfie City and London selfie culture, by Big Bang Data artist Lev Manovich.
Panel discussion to follow with, Bhavani Esapathi Digital Innovation Consultant, Bertie Brandes of MUSHPIT magazine and international make-up artist Jane Richardson from NARS.
Love it or hate it, selfie fever is here – hear what the industry has to say about our selfie obsessed society. Add your own opinions to this open discussion balanced by data, art and identity, whilst exploring the boundaries between publicity, privacy and the psychology of self.
Drop In, Free with Exhibition Entry – Spaces Limited
Time: 11.00 – 16.30
Location: Data Studio